Saturday, December 14, 2013

Blog stage 8

In my classmates post about gun control, they support a gun ban in Texas and I couldn't agree more. With gun rights being so prominent these days with everything in the news from open carry to school massacres, I think now is the right time to push for a gun ban. Texans of all people might not be to keen to do this but the evidence is strong. People claim they need to have guns for self defence but shouldn't there be a limit? Keeping a gun locked up in your house is one thing but having multiple in places like your car or even on your person is totally different. Guns are relatively easy to come by and the fact that one can buy a gun without any background check is both wrong and frightening. I think only law enforcement should be able to carry guns because making them illegal would surely cut down on gun related deaths and would probably eliminate gun related accidents. This is a long shot and I don't see it happening but considering all the destructive history of guns, I think a gun ban would benefit all.

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