Monday, November 18, 2013

Peer critique blog stage 6

While the insight you offered in Plastic Bags was accurate and informative, I think you fail to see one of the main reasons why the plastic bag "ban" was put into place. Those plastic bags don't break up in landfills and when not properly disposed of, the bags become liter and are bad for the environment. The ban was set up to discourage people from using them so they would stop being littered so frequently. Although it sucks to have to pay for them, this ban is a proactive step towards making the world cleaner. Austin is also a very environmentally conscious city so the ban will probably gain popularity over time.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Austin MetroRail System

Implemented almost three years ago, the Austin MetroRail system has been a reliable transport for people who don’t have a car. After being a successful service for this long I think that a big expansions to the system would cause a spike in popularity among Austenite’s and the MetroRail system could become a primary mode of transportation for many. The problem is that there are currently only nine stations in Leander and Austin making it inconvenient for people not near a station. Austin is the kind of city where people would go slightly out of their way to do this kind of thing. If they built many more stations around Austin and particularly in traffic heavy areas, people would be more inclined to use them. Austin is known for having a lot of bicyclists and to me this seems like a group of people that would support expansion. Biking is becoming more and more dangerous as traffic increases and the MetroRail system would be perfect for navigating downtown. If the service continued to be cheap and reliable like it has, then the MetroRail system would be a great environmental and economic alternative to having a car.   The rails are pretty quick and almost always on time as well as always very clean. Bigger MetroRail systems have become popular in other parts of the country and with Austin being one of the quickest growing cities; a MetroRail system could have many benefits.